Ideal Boost tea

Ideal Boost is a weight loss product manufactured by the company's Ideal Shape. It is a drink mix that is touted to be low in calories. Ideal Boost is said to help the dieter block hunger cravings throughout the day. Sugary drinks of many types such as juice, soda, and alcoholic beverages increase your cravings. This drink mix is naturally low in sugar to avoid that. The company Ideal Shape is best known for its plethora of diet drinks, plans, and shakes. If you are unsure of their validity they explain the products on the main website. Company headquarters are based out of Lindon, UT and they are available 6 days a week excluding Sundays

In one box of Ideal Boost, there are 30 sticks. These sticks are to help the dieter lose weight, cut cravings, and taste refreshing all at the same time. The company promises no sugar crashes, as this drink is typically consumed when you are feeling in a slump through the middle of your day. The flavors currently offered are Iced Tea, Black Cherry, Pineapple Passion, Peach Mango, and Hot Chocolate. For 30 servings the cost and that does not include shipping costs if you are purchasing the product online.

The company suggests that the user mix one stick of Ideal Boost into a 16 oz. water bottle and shake vigorously. They recommend that the sticks be taken either once or twice per day around 11:00 am and 2:00 pm when you feel a slump coming on.

Ideal Boost Safe?
Some ingredients that stand out to me as potential red flags are the caffeine variables, as well as Acesulfame and Sucralose present. For those of you who are not familiar with Acesulfame K (potassium), it is, “Acesulfame potassium, also known as acesulfame K, is a calorie-free sweetener up to 200 times sweeter than sugar and as sweet as aspartame.” [3] This is enough to deter many people interested in Ideal Boost, as artificial sweeteners are not typically linked to good health practices. If you are not opposed to artificial sweeteners, then this product is not bad when looking from a 10,000-foot perspective.

Pros and Cons of the Ideal Boost
There are not many cons about Ideal Boost, but the Acesulfame K and caffeine may derail some folks from wanting to purchase. The price point is spot on for a 30 day supply of the product, and the taste has been said to be pleasant from customers. Overall, there has been positive reviews about Ideal Boost actually helping control hunger and keep unnecessary snacking at bay. The product is available online from the company’s main website or on Amazon.

This is an overall average product that will give you a boost of energy throughout your day as well as a hunger blocker. Will you gain your dream body by just drinking Ideal Boost? Most likely, no. The flavor has been said to be good overall, and the price point is spot on. This drink mix is not a terrible product and may be worth a try if you are looking for a boost.

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